Art Dealers often find themselves in need of cash when trying to finance a consignment art deal, or everyday overhead issues, and or expanding locations.
IAF offers loans to help with working capital, thus allowing Art Dealers to offer financing to buyers so they can make payments on artwork over a period of time.
• More buying power
• Purchase art while paying over time
• Expanding gallery or adding locations
• Eliminate cash flow problems
Buyouts of art pieces shared by partners
Helping Foundations Grow
International Art Finance helps foundations that can borrow against a collection or art to meet their cash flow issues, fund future projects and provide grants.
• Operating expenses
• Grants
• Capital Campaigns
Individuals needing loans:
IAF loans can help individuals pay for new art purchases, finance new investments, receive capital for their business, use cash for other loan bridging, supplement their income, and plan for future estate and tax issues.
Purchase artwork
• Expand your business
• Re-finance other debt
• For use as a tax Strategy when selling art
• Diversifying other investments
• For use in Divorce settlements, or tax liabilities
• Retirement income for future years
International Art Finance has a loan division specifically designed for Museums. This would allow the allocation of funds for acquisitions, and gift related donations.
• Fund Museum Acquisitions
• Working with donors to facilitate donations of art pieces over time.
International Art Finance can help financial advisors strategically allocate their clients portfolio, to allow for Acquisition of private equity, real estate, hedge funds, stocks and bonds other investments.
• Borrow for liquidity
• Facilitate funding for other types of assets
• Retain art ownership while
If you have an art collection and going thru Trust and Estate planning, IAF can
Help with lending to fit your particular needs. Estates can borrow against a collection
Of art to pay off estate taxes and to help distribute amongst heirs. This can allow for
Distributions of assets over time.
Collectors can transfer assets by structuring family Financed purchases of other collections as well as specific pieces of art.
• Cash flow along with income
• Annual gifts to family
• Purchase life insurance
• Distribution of estate assets
• Estate tax benefit
• Keeping assets during economic turmoil swings